Today we’ve added two external publications:
How Financial Institutions and Fintechs Are Partnering for Inclusion: Lessons from the Frontlines
A joint report provides insight from SME Finance Forum members and friends, including MasterCard, ICICI Bank, Bancolombia, and BBVA Bancomer.
This publication explores why financial institutions partner with fintechs to pursue financial inclusion, banks, insurers, and payment companies often note that it would take three to four times the resources to develop the same technology in-house, and they appreciated the way fintechs enable them to engage with and learn from new technology in low-risk, low-cost ways. Through a variety of case studies and figures, you understand lessons from these companies.
EIF Working Paper 2018/50: European Small Business Finance Outlook – June 2018
This analysis provides an overview of the main markets relevant to the EIF. It starts by discussing the general market environment, then looks at the main aspects of equity finance and the guarantee and SME securitisation markets and, finally, it highlights important aspects of microfinance in Europe. A chapter on Fintech also complements the analysis.
Download the Working Paper 2018/50
Publisher: European Investment Fund
This initiative has received financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020).
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