Exciting news for migrant and refugee support professionals and practitioners in training:
The first edition of the MAGNET Open Toolkit for migrant entrepreneurship support has gone live in the form of downloadable PDF format. A collection of tested, hands-on tools and methodologies that qualify as ‘good practices’ – made by practitioners for practitioners in the Migrant Entrepreneurship domain, are available here:
Each tool covers:
– a description of a training, mentoring or coaching methodology
– a ‘How to’ Guide making the tools easy to comprehend and adopt in your own operation.
– content (presentations, guidelines, etc) to deliver the methodology.
MAGNET Open Toolkit is developed within the MAGNET project, which is conducted by Microfinance Centre in partnership with 6 other European partners: Austria fuer Weiterbildung/Danube University Krems (DUK), SINGA, TERN, Delitelabs, IATAP, VUZF, EUCEN.
We hope you enjoy these tools. If you are a practitioner in migrant entrepreneurship support and have a great tool to contribute please fill this expression of interest: bit.ly/MAGNETtoolkit
You can also reach project lead Frédéric Kastner at fred@wearertern.org
This publication is part of the project MAGNET which has received funding from the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020).
Co-funded by the COSME
programme of the European Union
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