In February 2018, the European Commission launched the European Social Economy Regions (ESER) pilot, in order to raise awareness and foster networking among social economy stakeholders at regional and local levels. This successful initiative has attracted more than 80 regions and cities to the 2018 and 2019 editions of ESER.
The Social Economy Missions Call for Proposals follows up on the ESER 2018 pilot and reflects the collected ideas in a broader sense. The aim is to accelerate the development and acknowledgement of particular aspects of social economy at regional and local levels, and to enhance its inter-regional dimension. The call is expected to significantly raise the scope and level of strategic inter-regional collaboration in the field of social economy. It provides regions and cities with similar social economy objectives with a unique opportunity to share best practices and use existing synergies towards enhanced inter-regional collaboration.
The overall objective of this call is to support a network of EU regional and local authorities with similar priorities and experts in the field and via inter-regional collaboration contribute to gradual setting up of a permanent community of practice in the field of social economy as the key component of a sustainable European economic system.
The Social Economy Missions call for proposal will support social economy consortia to pursue inter-regional collaboration through a set of social economy missions: the call foresees to create opportunities and incentives to engage in strategic inter-regional collaboration and develop collaborative projects between regional/local authorities and social economy stakeholders. Read more
Type of activities
The activities foreseen in this call for proposals shall address one of the following 4 social economy priorities/topics:
- Socially responsible public procurement
- Education framework for social economy
- Tackling regional/local unemployment via social economy model
- Social economy clusters Read more
Eligibility of applicants
Applicants must be legal entities forming a consortium.
Such entities may include:
- Public authorities (at regional or local level)
- Social economy enterprises
- Other public and private entities specialized in social economy
Submission of proposals
The deadline for electronic submission is 26 September 2019, 17:00 hours (Brussels time).
The link to the submission system is available on the Funding and Tenders Portal.
Information session
Information session in a form of a webinar will take place on 25 July at 14:30 hours (CET). The link to access the webinar will be communicated here in due time. No special registration is required.
To send questions in advance, please contact the functional mailbox of this call:
Read more and download the Call
This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult: