We’re kicking off our fifth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign in October! This year, 24 leading financial institutions will work across 16 countries in Europe and Central Asia to improve clients’ financial literacy knowledge and skills. This year, our partners include:
- Farm Credit, Ucora (Armenia),
- AMFA (Azerbaijan),
- NOA Sh.a. (Albania),
- EKI, Lider, MiBospo, Partner, Sunrise (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
- Mikrofond , SIS Credit, USTOI (Bulgaria),
- Crystal (Georgia),
- KEPA (Greece),
- AFK(Kosovo),
- Horizonti (Macedonia),
- Microinvest (Moldova),
- MonteCredit (Montenegro),
- ACAF (Spain),
- Vitas (Romania),
- AgroInvest, Opportunity Bank (Serbia),
- Hope (Ukraine),
- Imon (Tajikistan).
As with previous years, we’ll be delivering key messages around how to borrow safely, how to harness the potential power of loans and how to avoid the pitfalls of too much debt. Evaluation results from previous years show that the message is getting through: the campaign helps people to think about borrowing in more responsible and deliberate way.
This year, for the second time, selected partners will be using the Financial Health Check Quiz. This quick and engaging quiz helps clients self-assess their financial strengths and weaknesses. Clients will be able to see how effectively their manage income and expenses, how resilient they are to financial shocks, and how well they plan financial future with a long-term perspective.