Topics: Client Research and Product Development
Date: April 4, 2019
Every time customers interact with your organization there are opportunities to influence their experience. Each employee and agent can play a role, be it through product design or implementation, systems development or maintenance, service delivery or leadership. Yet, managing employees and agents so that they work together to deliver a valuable customer experience is not easy.
This webinar will walk you through steps managers can take to equip their employees and agents to innovate and deepen customer relationships. With practical experiences from Zoona, JUMO in Africa and Pioneer in the Philippines we will illustrate how to facilitate empowerment, drawing on nine types of resources and a set of handy tools from the Employee and Agent Empowerment Toolkit and Ideabook.
- Antonique Koning (Moderator), CGAP
- Cheryl Frankiewicz, CGAP
- Caroline Gale, Pioneer Group
- Buhle Goslar, JUMO
- Richard Steward, Flash Mobile Vending
This communication activity has received financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020).
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