Emotionally Intelligent Organizational Culture || EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar recording

Leaders in Digital Era|| Track 1: Leadership in digital era


Date: 10 December 2020 

Language: English

See other webinars within the series

The current challenges that MFIs face in 2020 make emotional intelligence more important than ever before. COVID-19 crisis only boosted the activities in digital world; both clients and staff suffer from insecurity and market risks. At the same time, we communicate more and more using digital means, and the new normal of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning knocks on the rooms of employees, facing them with a question “How long will I be needed?”.

MFI workplaces are emotional places.

What is the level of emotionally intelligent organizational culture in your MFI? How to support its development? With this online workshop, the participants will get to know the Emotional Culture Index, which will help to measure:

  • Current state – How often your people experience certain feelings at work.
  • Expected state – How often your people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of your workplace.
  • Ideal state – How often your people think they should ideally experience these feelings in your workplace in order to be effective.

We will discuss how to apply the emotionally intelligent culture in an MFI, and especially how to facilitate EI meetings and how to empower the teams to perform better.


Agnieszka Gasperini, is a certified Project Manager (PMP & PMI -ACP) with over 20 years of experience in multi-international projects and knowledge of 5 languages. She is also a certified SDI Facilitator, trainer & ICF coach. As a consultant she works with international clients from diverse industries by providing strategic and tactical aid in all aspects of project management, including selecting and securing optimal EU assistance programme, employee training and development.


This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi. The information contained in this communication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.