MFC invites you to our special series of webinars featuring , & to learn and discuss!
[Read about the whole series]
Webinar no 2 | DIGITALIZE OR DIE
Date: Wednesday, 10 March 2021 at 11:00 (CET)
Language: English
For many years now there has been a need for traditional financial institutions to face the challenge presented by digital technology, the pandemic has clearly accelerated this process. It is imperative for FIs take digital transformation seriously. This webinar will see a variety of software/ IT companies offering digital CBSs and digitization services. This round-table will allow the panelist share their experiences throughout the crisis and how the FIs using their systems fared. The panelist will also have the opportunity to briefly pitch their digital solutions and breakout rooms will be provided to allow for a more detailed Q&A.
Confirmed participants are:
Software Group – Geraldine O’Keeffe
Musoni – Cameron Goldie-Scot
Oradian – Julian Oehriein
BankBI – Connor Blake
Singlify – Maarten Rooney
PCES – tbd
What are the webinars about?
The first webinar will discuss the challenges that the practitioners are facing one year after the break-out of the pandemic as well as what permanent changes are noticed or to be expected.
The second and third webinar will involve technology providers and funders offering various types of support to financial institutions. The series will commence in March.
Our expert & moderator:
David has over 20 years experience in the MSME sector working for several of the industries most respected players like ProCredit, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and OXFAM. David held several Board positions on regulated MSME banks in Africa and Balkans. Currently David is Chairman of Musoni Holding, a fintech investment holding, and represents them on the Board of Musoni Kenya. Further, David is member of the Credit Committee of an Agricultural Supply Chain Fund (Agrif), and he is a research associate at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
Attendance for all webinars in the series is free of charge. The session targets primarily microfinance institutions (MFIs), including greenfield MFIs, banks, NGOs, regulators or other institutions and individuals working in the microfinance sector in Europe. European microfinance providers, either selected as EaSI Technical Assistance beneficiaries or interested to apply for the programme can contact to receive more information about this event, as well as to request the participation in or organisation of similar events.