Borrow Wisely Campaign 2020 Presenting Its Results, 2021 Edition Inviting You to Join!

[article regularly updated]


Last year’s BWC results are here for you to consult. The participants, assisted by MFC team, have done a tremendous job to adapt the Campaign to the pandemic reality.

General outreach of the Campaign in 2020

You surely are curious of the overall outreach of #Borrow Wisely last year. The figures are terrific: overall BWC partners reached 3 030 286 users through online channels of communication, and despite the difficult epidemic situation, they organized on-site events (taking care of all of the health and security measures) which united almost 8100 attendees. Each year the results are more and more impressive (2019 – 1 991 953 people reached online)


We would like to congratulate all of the participating institutions; all of the BWC debutantes and the veterans, partnering with us for several years already. Each year the results are better and better – thanks to our common endeavours, we reach to more and more of MF clients and wider public. BWC crew unites every year to share the knowledge about borrowing money wisely.

Here you can read the first impressions after the #2020BWC – including extra content, such as social media posts of the most active participants and pictures from the off-line events.

Let’s congratulate them all for their engagement, flexibility, creativity and hard work: Agro&Social Fund, Noa, Albanian Microfinance Association AMA, Fondi Besa, EKI, Lider, Mi-Bospo, Partner, Sunrise, Amfi, Business and Cultural Development Centre (KEPA), AFK, Horizonti, Microinvest, Monte Credit, Vitas, Agroinvest, Opportunity Bank, Hope.

The leaders with unbelievably outstanding results of reaching the most people online are:

  1. Microinvest – Moldova, absolute number one !
  2. Fondi Besa – Albania
  3. Noa – Albania

Don’t wait and join us for #2021BWC!

You surely agree the impact of the Borrow Wisely Campaign is growing all the time. Come grow with us and spread the word about wise borrowing. Join the club of the most active institutions, to share with the Clients the awareness on how to borrow money wisely. It’s one of the core ideas of microfinance, isn’t it?

The Microfinance Centre provides BWC partners with ongoing support and promotion guidelines throughout all of the stages of the Campaign. We do not know how 2021 will be, but the 2020 edition is a great proof that the digital ways to reach out to Clients are effective too!

Our partnering institutions stress out the importance of the Campaign in their operations as Clients approve it a lot.

We hope we do not need to convince you anymore – just drop a massage to Aleksandra, at, ask all of your questions and simply join the #2021BWC!

#BorrowWisely Basics in the online universe during COVID-19 times  

2020 was a difficult year for the whole world, but BWC participants have proven that a common goal and engagement pay off – even with the restrictions and competition for the audience attention in the online channels nowadays.

This shows that the Borrow Wisely fundamentals are universal and important for the MFIs Clients. Key questions everyone should ask themselves, if they want to #BorrowWisely are:

  • How much can I afford to borrow?
  • Do I know how much I will pay?
  • Do I fully understand the contract?
  • How to control debt?
  • What should I do if I am not satisfied?


Stay tuned for more Borrow Wisely Campaign updates!

This communication activity has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult:
The information contained in this communication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.