The Borrow Wisely Campaign strengthens borrowers’ financial literacy knowledge and skills through educational materials, client workshops and one-on-one engagement between borrowers and loan officers.
Our final evaluation results of the 2018 Borrow Wisely Campaign are impressive: 24 Campaign partners across 16 countries in Europe and Central Asia reached 311,363 people with campaign messages! Our partners educated people directly (individual meetings, workshops, fairs) and virtually on their websites and social media. The campaign is designed to help people think about borrowing in a more responsible way, and results reveal that we met our aim! Respondents had this to say:
Farm Credit is not just a lender, but also our adviser.
We are always happy to have their valuable advice!
A client of Farm Credit, Armenia
I learned a lot of interesting things about smart borrowing,
loans and how can I endanger my finances by borrowing.
A client of Sunrise, Bosnia and Herzegovina
We received useful information which will definitely apply.
Thank you for your time!
A client of MicroInvest, Moldova
The Borrow Wisely Campaign is led by the Microfinance Centre, but implemented in the field by our partner MFIs and associations. The most efficient Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018 partners were EKI (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mikroinvest (Moldova) and Opportunity Bank (Serbia) who reached the highest number of people. Other partners included: Farm Credit and Ucora (Armenia), AMFA (Azerbaijan), NOA Sh.a. (Albania), Lider, MI-BOSPO, Partner, and Sunrise (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mikrofond , SIS Credit, and USTOI (Bulgaria), Crystal (Georgia), KEPA (Greece), AFK (Kosovo), Horizonti (Macedonia), MonteCredit (Montenegro), ACAF (Spain), Vitas (Romania), AgroInvest, (Serbia), Hope (Ukraine), Imon (Tajikistan).
Join the Borrow Wisely Campaign in October 2019!
In 2019, the MFC will organize its sixth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign. Want to contribute to financial health growth and raise the awareness of your clients on how to borrow money safely? Join us!
Please contact Kinga Dabrowska.
This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult:
The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.