‘Are you kidding me? This is unbelievable! A financial institution that is taking care of me and my budget? From the bottom of my heart, thank you and MFC for this kind of support!’
A MI-BOSPO client
Throughout October, 24 different financial institutions took part in the MFC’s fifth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign. Borrowers from 16 countries in Europe and Central Asia learned how to borrow in more responsible and deliberate way, how to harness the potential power of loans, and most importantly how to avoid the pitfalls of too much debt. We helped strengthen clients’ financial literacy knowledge and skills by distributing educational materials (leaflets, posters, website and social media announcements, etc), running client workshops and one-on-one engagement between clients and loan officers.
Partners of the 2018 Borrow Wisely Campaign included:
- Farm Credit, Ucora (Armenia),
- AMFA (Azerbaijan),
- NOA Sh.a. (Albania),
- EKI, Lider, MI-BOSPO, Partner, Sunrise (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
- Mikrofond , SIS Credit, USTOI (Bulgaria),
- Crystal (Georgia),
- KEPA (Greece),
- AFK(Kosovo),
- Horizonti (Macedonia),
- Microinvest (Moldova),
- MonteCredit (Montenegro),
- ACAF (Spain),
- Vitas (Romania),
- AgroInvest, Opportunity Bank (Serbia),
- Hope (Ukraine),
- Imon (Tajikistan).
Now that the Campaign has drawn to a close, we’ll be putting together our annual impact summary report to present the facts and figures on what we achieved. That said, we loved hearing all the reports from our partners’ credit officers, who when working with clients reported back that clients thought the Campaign was useful and fun! Great news!
This initiative has received financial support from the European Union
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020).
For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi